WOTCH threatened-species surveys have led to important protections for Victorian forests. You can learn more about our impact using the interactive map. This map documents not only the wildlife we have found but key campaigns such as Blue Vein and Hermitage Creek that have led to protections for areas that were set to be logged.
Guide to the interactive map
Greater Glider: The Greater Glider is the largest gliding species in Australia; this solitary possum spends most of its time high up in the canopy. The loss of hollow-bearing trees through industrial logging threatens this species, with severe population declines across the Central Highlands occurring over recent decades. Greater Glider records are clustered when zoomed out.
Our Impact: Hover over an area (purple circles and shapes) to learn more about the effort that went into protecting that area of forest through citizen science and surveying.
Leadbeater's Possum: The iconic Leadbeater's Possum is critically endangered and at risk of extinction. With state-of-the-art thermal imaging technology and countless hours put in by our volunteers we have recorded over 180 Leadbeater's Possum detections. Many of these are in or near logging coupes.
200 m buffer: Every time we find a Leadbeater's Possum the area is protected from logging with a 200 m buffer zone.
1 km buffer: Scientists from the ANU Fenner School studying the behaviour of the Leadbeater's Possum recommend that 1km buffers be put in place. Unfortunately the logging industry and State Government compromised this evidence, only providing 200 m.
Yellow-bellied Glider: These are one of the most remarkable and bizarre species in the forests. Gliding across the canopy, this species has one of the most unique calls in the forest. We often hear this species in the forest but more rarely see it.
The map is current to 2018. Species records are only those found by WOTCH, for more complete records head to https://www.environment.vic.gov.au/biodiversity/victorian-biodiversity-atlas